Primary Plus Camp is the perfect full week experience for the young camper entering 3rd and 4th grades! Campers will engage in the life-changing experience of learning to be a follower of Jesus Christ through Bible teaching, worship music, and outdoor adventures, intentionally designed to teach Biblical truth and draw the camper to a relationship with their Savior. This is a great place for lifelong friendships to begin as campers live life together in small cabin groups as well as come together for large group activities, including a much anticipated themed all-camp game, based on the curriculum of the week.

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts of camp ministry to help kids grow and develop into individuals with a heart for Jesus.
Why Day Camp On The Road?
After our first full summer of this program in 2021, the goals of Day Camp On The Road were firmly established: to bring the faith and adventure of camp ministry to communities around Michigan. It allows K-5th graders to experience the camping world in a familiar place before they are ready for the overnight, away-from-home setting that our Sebewaing campus provides. The partnership between BSC and the site churches introduces new faces to both church settings and recreational camping, bringing the ministries together under one banner. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20, NIV.
Bay Shore’s, Day Camp on the Road, brings the best of camp to the community.
Through Old Testament stories about David, kids will learn that God is Loving, God is Eternal, God is Omnipresent, God is Faithful and God is Trustworthy.

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts of camp ministry to help kids grow and develop into individuals with a heart for Jesus.
Why Day Camp On The Road?
After our first full summer of this program in 2021, the goals of Day Camp On The Road were firmly established: to bring the faith and adventure of camp ministry to communities around Michigan. It allows K-5th graders to experience the camping world in a familiar place before they are ready for the overnight, away-from-home setting that our Sebewaing campus provides. The partnership between BSC and the site churches introduces new faces to both church settings and recreational camping, bringing the ministries together under one banner. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20, NIV.
Bay Shore’s, Day Camp on the Road, brings the best of camp to the community.
Through Old Testament stories about David, kids will learn that God is Loving, God is Eternal, God is Omnipresent, God is Faithful and God is Trustworthy.

SNAP 139:14 is a Special Needs Adventure Program. Join us this summer for some great adventures.

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts…

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts…

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts of camp ministry to help kids grow and develop into individuals with a heart for Jesus.
Why Day Camp On The Road?
After our first full summer of this program in 2021, the goals of Day Camp On The Road were firmly established: to bring the faith and adventure of camp ministry to communities around Michigan. It allows K-5th graders to experience the camping world in a familiar place before they are ready for the overnight, away-from-home setting that our Sebewaing campus provides. The partnership between BSC and the site churches introduces new faces to both church settings and recreational camping, bringing the ministries together under one banner. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20, NIV.
Bay Shore’s, Day Camp on the Road, brings the best of camp to the community.
Through Old Testament stories about David, kids will learn that God is Loving, God is Eternal, God is Omnipresent, God is Faithful and God is Trustworthy.

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts…

Bay Shore’s Day Camp On The Road is where our ministry meets the community. It’s where far-off camp adventures meet your local church. Day Camp On The Road takes the foundations of VBS and combines them with the best parts of camp ministry to help kids grow and develop into individuals with a heart for Jesus.
Why Day Camp On The Road?
After our first full summer of this program in 2021, the goals of Day Camp On The Road were firmly established: to bring the faith and adventure of camp ministry to communities around Michigan. It allows K-5th graders to experience the camping world in a familiar place before they are ready for the overnight, away-from-home setting that our Sebewaing campus provides. The partnership between BSC and the site churches introduces new faces to both church settings and recreational camping, bringing the ministries together under one banner. “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” Matthew 18:20, NIV.
Bay Shore’s, Day Camp on the Road, brings the best of camp to the community.

All the fun and excitement of Bay Shore Camp without the overnight stay.Maybe you’re looking for a daycare option that’s way better than daycare. Or maybe you’re looking for a camp experience without the overnight stay. (Afterall, not all kids and parents are ready for the overnight away.) We pack all the fun of camp into the daytime hours and the camper is home to spend the evening with the family telling them all about it.