Building the Family Foundation!
Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial start to summer and with that we, at Bay Shore Camp, believe that it should be a weekend for building a firm foundation in Christ with our family members. Invite your family and friends for a weekend to celebrate, to take a breath, and to make memories that will last a lifetime! Enjoy worship by our guest worship leaders, campfires, activities and all that Bay Shore Camp has to offer, including some great food! Be encouraged by our guest speakers and so much more!
Church Fellowship
Encourage your church “family” to attend Family Foundation Weekend as a community together. Enjoy camping, playing and fellowshipping (potluck) together. Do you have “non-campers” in your midst? They can attend by staying in one of our duplex cabins.
Register today and join us for Family Foundation Weekend and get your summer started the right way!

Enjoy one of our family meals together in our dining hall or picnic area, including a hamburger and hot dog cookout, or a pasta buffet, Saturday pancake breakfast (open to the public) or Sunday “after church” dinner.
Costs: $12.00 per adult, $7.00 Children 12 & under, 5 and under free. ($40.00 max charge per family.)
Family Foundation Cornhole Tournament
Saturday, May 24th
Entry Fee: $20
Check-In: 1:00 pm
Start Time: 1:15 pm
Tournament Rules
• Four person teams, players rotate.
• Each team must have at least one player under the age of 14. • Players cannot register for multiple teams.
• Double elimination tournament.
• No refunds for any reason.
Family friendly event, (open to the public,) no cussing, no chewing, no smoking, no alcohol.
Prizes and Awards made at the completion of the event. Food and Drinks will be available for purchase.
Weekend Camping Costs
- Daily RV $40
- Weekend RV $115
Additional Housing
Limited Availability – contact the office for details
- Duplex Lodging $115
- Private Housing *Call for availability
- Private Housing w/Bedding *Call for availability
Meal Costs
Individual Meals
- Adults: $12
- Children 12 – 5: $7
- 5 and Under: FREE
- (Maximum $40/family)