Posted on December 1, 2021

Bay Shore Dec 2015

New things are happening at Bay Shore Camp. Traveling Day Camps began in 2021. Next year a new facility in nearby Gagetown will offer new opportunities for kids and families.

November 24, 2021 | SEBEWAING, MI — Bay Shore Camp and Family Ministries, a long-standing Camp and Retreat ministry, announced today that they have received as a gift, the Noah’s Ark Family Fun Center Ministry property in Gagetown, MI.

For more than 30 years, Pastor Duane Plonta worked to build a Christian facility complete with carnival rides, waterfront activities, and mini-golf as well as a comprehensive Veterans Memorial.  Most important to Rev. Plonta was his faith, and throughout the facility, you’ll find thought-provoking displays depicting the life of Christ. Pastor Plonta passed away April 29, 2021 at the age of 91.  His wife, Wannetta preceded him in death.

Bay Shore is pleased to receive this gift which includes 107 acres, a 20+ acre lake, a former church building, the entertainment complex, and Pastor Duane’s former residence. 

For several years, the Bay Shore Camp board and staff have been discerning the possibility of expanding the ministry to an additional campus as a way to fulfill the camp’s mission. (The distance between Sebewaing and Gagetown is 15 miles.) Just this year, the camp launched a traveling day camp ministry and is reaching kids and families in communities across the state of Michigan. More than 1,100 children and youth attended summer camp programs at Bay Shore during the summer of 2021.

New ministry is being planned at the former Noah’s Ark property. The site will remain closed for now with an opening planned for summer 2022. A community “meet and greet” will be scheduled for a future date.

For additional information, please email,  You can learn more about Bay Shore Camp and Family Ministries at